Different Types of Coffee Beans

Coffee beans are divided into four types, each with its own properties and adding value to the coffee market. They consist of Arabica, Robusta, Liberica and Excellent in variety. An introduction for each can be found below:

1 Arabica (Coffea Arabica)

makes up the bulk of coffee bean consumption, with 60-70% of global production (see figure).

The smooth, mild flavour that is sweet notes can have tastes of fresh fruit and sugar–and greater acidity– characterize the most common Arabica beans. They are considered to have a more complex taste than other strains.

2 Robusta (Coffea Canephora)

is the second most cultivated type of coffee bean, constituting between 30 and 40% of world-wide production.

It has a much stronger, bitter taste with an earthy nutty undertone that makes Robusta beans identifiable. They have a higher caffeine content than Arabica and that’s what gives it its stronger taste

3 Liberica (Tepache Liberica)

World Production: Liberica accounts for only a small part of the world yield, hence it is referred to as an unusual bean. It is mainly grown in the Philippines, Malaysia and West Africa.

Liberia beans flavors are unique and bold along with the aroma that is woody, smoky and sometimes floral. They have a unique, mildly fruity tasting coffee that is full-Bodie

4 Excelsa (Excelsa Coffee)

Summary: Although possessing its unique characteristics, Excelsa (Coffea excelsa) is often perceived as a Liberica derivative. Its main supply is from Asia.

Excelsa beans create a difference in taste that is noticeable as being tangy and fruity with dark roasted hints, this making Coffee not your average drink. With a flavor profile that uses both light and dark roasts, the beans are celebrated for this range

Arabica Coffee Beans

What Does It Taste Like?

Because of its presence in about a thousand odorant molecules, Arabica coffee has very fine and virtually inexhaustible flavors.

The taste of Arabica is excellent because it captures the flavor profiles from its terroir. Most of the characteristics that appeal Arabica types are specifically so because fo the processing and roasting.

Arabica cherries grown at high altitudes are slow to mature and develop aroma. The result is a cup brimming with light, fruity and floral aromas.

Robusta Coffee Beans

What Does It Taste Like?

For instance, Robusta coffee is typically characterized by peanut and wood undertones and a powerful, bitter flavor. It is sweeter than Arabica, in which the bitterness and acridness are higher. On the contrary, Arabia tastes greater due to subtleties; the hint of fruits and plants in Robusta is scarce in it. This difference in acridity can be explained by the difference in lipids and sugar content of the beans. Arabia also tastes a lot due to its sweetness compared to Robusta, which tastes a lot due to the high level of caffeine. The primary flavor molecules reach 1000 in Arabia. The overall taste of Arabia is so great due to the roast and techniques used to process it. Due to the fact that the cherries are located at significant elevations and that they mature for an extended period, arabicas have a nice, mild scent. The outcome is a satisfying experience full of exquisite, flowery, fruity sensations. Libica is the world’s most widely available java.. Many scholars now believe that it is because of this coffee bean that we now have all the coffees we consume on our table. It combines a kind of bright fruit and plentiful aroma with mild overtones of lilac or jasmine.

Liberica Coffee Beans

What Does It Taste Like?

Fruit and Floral: Liberica beans are very fruity; some exhibit the characteristics of stone fruits like berries. The floral notes are subtle with a touch of rose or jasmine.

Woodsy and smoky notes: Liberica coffee also has woodsy or even normally smokey undertones. It could be described as earthy, with a flavor profile reminiscent of tobacco or pine — adding depth and richness to the coffee.

Robust And Heavy: Liberica coffee beans has a body that is bolder than other varietals, imparting a full and bold taste. This full body mouthfeel increased the overall depth and strength of the coffee.

Excelsa Coffee Beans

What Does It Taste Like?

The flavors of Excelsa coffee beans are not like typical Indonesian, or any other sort of bean either. Excelsa beans are often seen as a distinct variety unlike the typical range of flavor, owing to its complex and multifaceted taste on account of it being from the Liberica family. Excelsa coffee is generally quite tart and fruity in flavor, along with an inherent brightness that might seem like dark fruits such as tamarind, sour cherries or even plums. The acidity is powerful here but it gets balanced out with a thicker and fuller body, which brings in hints of wood or dirt that sit under every taste making the cup more complex. Not only that but Excelsa coffee has the most aromatic smell particularly with its fruity and floral scents will make you want to drink it all day every day. They mixed these flavors and fragrances form a cup.


1what bean is used in coffee most?

Since Arabica beans are the most popular type of coffee bean, making up about 60–70% of global production. Arabica beans, on the other hand, are appreciated for their aromatic natural properties and delicate soft taste.

2The Most Popular Types of Coffee Beans Created 2

The 2 most common coffee beans in the world are Arabica and Robusta. Although robusta beans are considered to have a more harsh and bold flavor profile with high caffeine, the arabica bean is extensively grown for its sweeter more mild coffee. In this industry, these two types of coffee are responsible for a significant portion.

3. Where are coffee beans famous?SIMILAR (SAMPLE ANSWER — REAL TYPE).

Some parts of the world are known for producing better beans than others, with Ethiopia doing trade as it is where coffee originated from; Colombia because they have mild and well balanced smooth acid beans; Brazil which devote all its land to growing most favaored a& quality coffees also much more bcoz Brazul has capacity to produce around a third of worlds total crop & Jamaica that grows superior Blue Mountain. Hawaii, Yemen and even Costa Rica are some of the more recognizable locations.

4 What is the main supplier of Coffee beans?

Indonesia, Vietnam and Brazil are the world’s main suppliers of coffee beans. Vietnam is the number one producer of Robusta beans, and Brazil is known for being the largest grower of Arabica beans.

5 What is coffee bean made up of?

The primary chemical composition of coffee beans are polysaccharides (i.e., cellulose), protein, lipids such as oils and fats, water. They are also rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium, chlorogenic acids (the antioxidant), along with volatile compounds that provide them their taste and aroma. Thus, the unroasted leafy characteristic can impact overall coffee flavor.

6 Scientific Name Of Coffee Beans

Coffea is the scientific name for coffee beans. Arabica (Coffea arabica) and Robusta or more accurately said from scientific name Coffea Canephora are the two most common types.


Out of these, the most compendious varieties are Arabica and Robusta followed by Liberica, Excelsa. Arabica is prized for its smooth flavor profile. It has Robusta for a strong and bold flavor, Liberica to create the unique fruity with smoky flavors & Excelsa that brings out its complex recommendations at which it is classified as tart and also fruity Coffee profile. They all give you a unique coffee experience.

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